History cannot predict the future; every formed historian understands that, history, in a sense is like meteorology. If meteorologists could have all the information that can affect the weather and, if they had a computer powerful enough to process all that information, they could predict the weather without room for mistake. But as we know, thanks to Edward Lorenz and his well-known paper called Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow that is totally impossible. Impossible at least right now, because even the flap of the wings of a butt
erfly can cause a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events, such as helping to create a Tornado or not.
History is very similar, if historians could know and analyze all the factors that motivated changes in the past, and if they could process all that information and its different combinations, I am sure that they could show not the future, but the way the future would take.
So far analyzing the past can only give very partial clues about what the future will offer us. Nonetheless we can find patterns in how societies and countries behave when they are submitted to certain circumstances. Let’s have a look at the societies of the south of Europe during the first third of the twentieth century.
Greece had a very compulsive period, after WWI this country lost the Greco-Turkish War of 1919–1922, which led to a phase of instability and successive coups d'état. The monarchy was abolished in 1924, and the Second Hellenic Republic was declared. In the meantime the Wall Street Crash of 1929 shook the world, in 1935 after a disputed plebiscite, George II returned to the throne. After the elections of 1936 the king, fearing the communists, appointed Ioannis Metaxas as a prime minister, although his party had only 7 MP’s. In August 1936 with the king’s support he suspended the parliament indefinitely and suspended various articles of the constitution. Metaxas adopted the title of Arkhigos, Greek for "leader" or "chieftain" instituting a fascist regime.
Portugal was ballasted by a weak economy, political instability and huge social imbalances, after its participation in WWI the problems grew, leading to a military coup d'état in 1926 and the creation of the National Dictatorship. After the Crash of 1929 António de Oliveira Salazar established a para-fascist regime (Estado Novo) in 1933.
Italy was the first country where the fascism was imposed. Again, the situation after WWI left the country in an unstable position, the oligarchy fearing a socialist revolution supported the National Fascist Party, and in 1922 king Victor Emmanuel III after the “March on Rome” invited Mussolini to form a new government. Mussolini was supported by the military, the business man and some of the right wing parties.
Spain was a formal democracy in the early years of the twentieth century, but in fact it was just a system that allowed two different parties to share the power in what it was called “turnism”. That system was played-out in the twenties, and so in 1926 there was a coup d'état led by Captain General Miguel Primo de Rivera, supported by the Spanish oligarchy, the military and Alfonso XIII. The king used to call the General “My little Mussolini”. But the dictatorship and the monarchy couldn’t endure the economical crisis, the problems of a weak State and the social imbalances. The Second Republic was declared in 1931, after five extremely troubled years General Franco, supported by Mussolini and Hitler started a war against the government of the republic.
As we can see, these countries suffered different fascist regimes. All of them were triggered or fuelled by the economical crisis; all these states had poorer economies, greater social differences, and weak political systems.
Right now we can see that the economic and financial crisis is suffocating the middle classes, how the political systems hardly endure the strains that come from outside the countries and how the population is starting to vote other political parties rather than the traditional ones.
The incomprehension of the European democracies about what it was going on in countries such as Italy, Greece or Portugal (which even had the support for some years of Great Britain or France) led to what happened afterwards. We cannot forget that even Winston Churchill said back in the 30’s that Mussolini was a “Roman genius ... the greatest lawgiver among men." Only because fascism or para-fascism was thought to be a good way to keep the Unions under control and "pacify" the society. But in the long term support that ideology was not a good idea, as it was seen afterwards.
As I said at the beginning of this paper, history can’t predict the future. It doesn’t matter if you think that history is cyclical or linear, right now, if we consider the political and economic situation we should be quite worried, the future of Europe is again on stage and we are its actors.
1 comentario:
--->>> Urge um movimento pan-europeu de liberdade/distância/SEPARATISMO em relação aos europeus remanescentes do esclavagismo.
Ora, de, facto a monumental hipocrisia do europeu remanescente do esclavagismo (o europeu do sistema XX-XXI) vive... da cobardia Identitária em reivindicar liberdade/distância/SEPARATISMO.
Adiante, o europeu remanescente do esclavagismo, para além de projectar uma economia de índole esclavagista (partem do pressuposto de que existem outros como fornecedores de abundância de mão-de -obra servil)... não gosta de trabalhar para a sustentabilidade (em vez de trabalhar para a sustentabilidade):
1) querem é estar na gestão na atribuição da nacionalidade;
2) querem é estar na gestão da atribuição de vistos de trabalho.
Mais, ele procura implementar uma censura pró-neoesclavagismo:
--- trabalhadores que protestem afirmando o óbvio [« num planeta aonde mais de 80% da riqueza está nas mãos dos mais ricos, que representam apenas 1% da população, quem deve pagar a ajuda aos povos mais pobres é a Taxa-Tobin, e não a degradação das condições de trabalho da mão-de-obra servil de outros povos »] devem ser considerados racistas... e... o seu discurso deve ser banido da internet.
- etc.
-> O europeu remanescente do esclavagismo, mafiosamente, procura branquear o seu cidadanismo de Roma no planeta através... do branqueamento/institunacionalização do mais velho discurso de ódio da História: o ódio tiques-dos-impérios.
Imbuídos por tiques-dos-impérios, estes boys e girls europeus do sistema:
1- não podem ver um povo autóctone dotado da liberdade de, no SEU espaço, prosperar ao seu ritmo;
2- procuram pretextos para negar o Direito à Sobrevivência de outros... nomeadamente... o Direito à existência de autóctones no seu espaço.
[estes boys e girls do sistema XX-XXI são da mesma laia dos hitlerianos: o problema dos hitlerianos não era identitário, mas sim, tiques-dos-impérios: não aceitavam a existência de outros...]
O europeu do sistema XX-XXI procura usar o nacionalista como idiota útil para todo o serviço; o nacionalista:
- ora é repudiado...
- ora (como o nacionalista-esclavagista foi um traidor do ideal identitário:'''ter o SEU espaço, prosperar ao seu ritmo''') querem que a actuação do nacionalista-esclavagista seja considerada uma herança, um legado, universalista/multiculturalista!?!
O nacionalista-esclavagista (os reis e nobreza incluídos, venderam-se a interesses económicos....) FOI UM TRAIDOR DO IDEAL IDENTITÁRIO que esteve na origem da nacionalidade ['''ter o seu espaço, prosperar ao seu ritmo'''];
- para ele a nacionalidade foi, tão somente, uma oportunidade de negociatas... nomeadamente, negociatas de índole esclavagista:
i) o nacionalista-esclavagista (ex: construtores de caravelas) argumentava «a nossa economia necessita de abundância de mão-de-obra servil» (nomeadamente, escravos);
ii) o europeu do sistema-XX-XXI é mais do mesmo: ele argumenta «a nossa economia necessita de abundância de mão-de-obra servil» (nomeadamente, imigrantes)
Identitário não sejas cobarde:
- isto é, diz NÃO a uma economia de índole esclavagista (ou seja, partir do pressuposto de que existem outros como fornecedores de abundância de mão-de-obra servil);
Leia-se: reivindica Liberdade/Distância/Separatismo em relação ao europeu do sistema-XX-XXI.
Todos Diferentes, Todos Iguais... isto é: todas as Identidades Autóctones devem possuir o Direito de ter o SEU espaço no planeta -» INCLUSIVE as de rendimento demográfico mais baixo, INCLUSIVE as economicamente menos rentáveis.
obs: os 'globalization-lovers', UE-lovers, etc, que fiquem na sua... desde que respeitem os Direitos dos outros... e vice-versa.
-»»» blog http://separatismo--50--50.blogspot.com/.
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